rough casting
The Roughcast of your chimney or render is a important feature of your chimney Roughcasting provides a robust barrier against harsh weather conditions, such as rain, wind, and snow. This is especially crucial for chimneys, which are constantly exposed to the elements The mixture of sand, cement, and small stones used in roughcasting creates a durable and impact-resistant surface. Helping to reduce heat loss as well as looking aesthetically pleasing

Lead Flashing
The lead flashing around a chimney is designed to protect the overall roof structure while keeping the rain out and protecting it from other elements. There to preserve the part of the chimney where it meets the tiles, flashing is a crucial part of your chimney’s design. If it becomes loose or cracked, it can cause bigger and more costly issues further down the line.

chimney removal
With the large variety of chimneys available it’s no surprise that one persons’ feature piece is another persons’ eyesore. Whilst the aesthetic of the chimney is important, its ability to function effectively is essential. Ongoing chimney repairs can be very pricey and as such you may choose to remove an old chimney thus quickly eliminating the issue.
rebuild chimney
Chimneys face the harshest weather, from rain, sleet, and snow. Due to this, it’s important to have a properly installed chimney from the start to withstand these conditions. The most common type of rebuild is the partial chimney rebuild. A pro will remove all of the damaged bricks and other chimney components, but will leave what’s structurally sound. Then, they will rebuild the new portion .A roofline chimney rebuild requires everything to be rebuilt from the roof flashing upwards

copeing repiars
The top of the chimney is exposed to elements such as rain, snow and winds which can erode it and allow water to enter your chimney. This is why it important to have sold but most impotently water tight coping on your chimney not only dose it prevent damage but also add extra appeal to your property

chiney Repointing
Chimney repointing is needed when the outer layer of mortar on a chimney starts to deteriorate. This restorative process will improve your chimney’s appearance and increase its structural integrity.
At PM Contracts we are specialists in restoring your chimney to its former glory