Artifcal Grass/Turfing

At PM CONTRACTS we specialise in providing expert sulltions when it come to your grass wheather you are looking for a maintainace free area or just want to breath new life in to the garden our experts will tailor a sulution toyour every need

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Artificial Grass

when it comes to a artificial grass there are many benefits involved. Such as little to no maintance involved In contrast to natural lawns, synthetic lawns require no cutting , edging or weeding, all you have to do is occasionally clear away leaves and give them a quick brush to keep them looking fantastic – giving you more time to actually enjoy your garden. whilst also maintaining the perfect lawn all year round. Artificial grass is also very soft on little hands and feet, making it the perfect choice for households with young children, and some brands even offer to install soft foam pads underneath the fake grass to cushion any falls.
PM Contracts


A lush, dense lawn is a very attractive addition to any house. It’s practical, easy to maintain, and a great play area for children and pets alike. however, these are not the only reasons to consider turfing your garden Firstly, using turf instead of seed for your new garden will give you quick and instant results. Turf is normally ready to use within a few days, whereas seed can take up to 6 weeks before you have the same results, it will give you a great deal of enjoyment and improve the environment. Turf absorbs many gases, such as carbon dioxide, and dust particles, helping to clean the air around you, as well as absorbing rainfall This point has got to be one of the best on the list! A weed free garden is something to dream about.

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